Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Future And A Present

Sipping quietly
You look out to sea
As the sun dips below the horizon
Clouds pass through your mind and heart
Like a swarm of locusts
I miss you
And the fear
It was so different
So unfamiliar
I'm not scared
Not of you
Not in any way that means anything
I am a cloud lost on your breath
Waiting for you to blow me on
Suck me in
Breathe me deep
Never let go
And there's nowhere
I'd rather go
Than deep inside of you
To the forest hidden
In the folds in your eyes
See that tower
See the walls
See that moat
They're nothing
Empty verse has slung itself across the stars
In search of meaning
And never found a resting place but here
But golden
But full
You are whole
Though you don't yet know it
The world has taken it from you
But it was never theirs
They cannot have it
This soul is mine
And I am hers
The ocean rises to meet
Your parted lips
The hint of a smile
A crinkled eye
Lost in time
It's been years
And still it stands
No ice upon this water
No desert either
Full and vibrant and beautiful
Your hair is gray now
Mine too
And I still long to touch it,
Hold it
Breathe it in
I long for you
Like I did before
Dragons perched upon clifftop
Aware of what they are
Who they are
And who they've been
Who they might become
We are whole
And wholesome
You are
Don't stop
Don't hold back
There's life in here
And so we flow
Like endless currents
Returning ever
To the point where this began
While stars collide and die out
Music stirs
The strings in me
Pulling at the edges of my heart
Wrapping it
Like a little present
To be given freely
To the one I love
There's no snow upon the tree
But Christmas came early this year
And never left.


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