Monday, April 12, 2010

Mystery Isle

The sea swings
To a soft, steady beat.
A calm, exploring wave
Licks the sandy shoreline.

I stand upon the cliff
And stare out to the horizon
And hope,
That my message, at last,
Finds it way to you -
My soul enclosed,
As my heart beats in me.

In the absence of you
I sit and wonder,
What would it be
To hold your hand,
To look into those eyes
And lose myself
In the sea of your thoughts.

I see you as I saw you first
Those few days ago -
The ocean rests
In jewels upon your delicate neck
And behind those black eyes,
Silent in their splendour.
Fires burn in the depths of you
A place of hidden beauty,
Locked away and kept silent,
A secret part of your heart.

I know not what it is
That draws my heart to you
Only that is so strong -
A force I cannot resist.


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