Thursday, April 1, 2010

Let Me List The Ways (Part II)

I love the way you nuzzle into my neck
Like you'd melt into me
If that were physically possible -
The way you lose yourself
In watching me
Trace the landscape of our hearts
Upon a piece of paper
That is so much more
Than just that.

I love your hands in my hair
As you stare longingly into my eyes
And at my face,
Like you're drinking it in.

I love how it feels like home
Lost in the ocean
In your eyes
And safe in your smile
And there's nowhere I'd rather go
Than deeper into your soul.

I love how pain and fear
And hurt and bitterness
Fall by the wayside
Like silly distractions
(Which they are,
If we're honest) -
How this love endures
And conquers,
Reaching out into the world
Making it dance
To a deeper tune.

I love how we find a sheltered cove
Overlooking a quiet bay
And cannot stare out
To the horizon,
Beautiful though the view is,
So caught up we are
In each other.

I love how the secret places
Where I'd never take anyone
Except one special person,
Seem made for you
And us
And our love.

I love the love-filled messages
You send me
After a night in which
You've set my heart aglow,
And how they'll steal away
My concentration,
So I get lost
In the beauty of your soul,
Your feelings,
Your words.

I love how you'll walk
And brave blisters,
Which always seem to dog us
(Like that horrid Akon song)
To enjoy a romantic stroll
I love how those hurts
Make something melt inside me
So I have to shower you
With kisses and caresses
And the abundant love
That keeps welling up in me.

I love how vulnerable I feel
When you look deep into my soul
And how I feel comfortable
To let myself be that way -
Naked before you.

I love singing to you
And hearing you sing back -
That sweet silky voice
That starts as a hum,
Hidden in your throat
And quietly, softly
Breaks out,
Moving quickly into my heart
And taking its place
Where it belongs.

I love how simple things
Like an innocuous menthol sweet
Or even just breathing
Can become so much more,
An object or an act
Of beauty
That we just seem to create
In the world around us
So that each becomes
An exultation
In you,
In us,
In our existence
As we breathe
You into my soul
And me into yours
And lose ourselves
In that moment
When we're so connected,
We're even breathing the same air.

I love how everything
Takes on a deeper meaning
How words like starlit
Become more than just an adjective
And how only we know
What they really mean.

I love how our conversations
Seep into the world
Changing existence in subtle ways,
Nudging stubborn maybes
Towards something brighter
And bigger
And whole.

I love that every so often,
A new name comes to my lips,
Like a tender kiss
Waiting to alight upon your own,
Because you mean so much,
That no one name is enough
To even come close to
Describing the beauty in you.

I love how you get lost
Even after you decided
To hold me at bay,
How we both find it's not half as easy
As it had seemed,
How this love of ours
Finds a way
To make its presence felt.

I love even the moments
When you hold back,
And how you always come back,
Like you just needed to wind down,
Your heart's been racing so,
And that even in those moments,
Although I can't be with you
And hold you
And kiss you
And melt into your arms,
Your voice says so clearly,
That you love me
Even if you can't act on it right now.

I love how it feels
Like the natural order of things
That I give everything I can to you,
That I need to pamper you and spoil you
And baby you -
Showering you with kisses
And hugs and foot rubs
And more -
Because that is what you are..
My Baby.

I love that even after seeing
The worst of each other,
We can look deep in each others' eyes
And see mirrored,
What each is feeling,
And say in simple words
That mean so much:
I love you.


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