Monday, November 30, 2009


You're the pleasurable ache between my shoulderblades -
A lightness of being
That leaves me feeling weak
And fearful of the future,
Though still elated.
You're a sonorous melody on the wind
That sings my heart into a trance -
A wild passionate ecstasy that grips me
In the strangest places,
That I cannot hold back from
That I cannot resist.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Of Love and Life and Why

My Pixie, my love, my Elf,

This is a chronicle of love, in all it's forms, a history of beautiful things that have happened in my life, moments that seemed blessed or still seem blessed (by the meaning derived from and associated with them, not by any supernatural power ;)) - moments like those I share with you, like those I long to share with you in the future.

Some of the poetry and writing here wasn't written for you or about you; some applies to amazing people who've affected my life in different ways; but every one is up here for you and in your honour. I'd never have the intrepidity to bare bits of my soul so freely, were it not for you.

I know that, sometimes, the future seems a scary, uncertain place. I know that you're scared of losing what you hope to have. I know that the world is a random and not always benevolent place. But I also know we have something beautiful ahead of us. Something warm and kind and beautiful, something strong and alive and enduring, something wild, untamed and incredible - so much so that our best efforts have failed miserably to contain it, time after time.

This is my heartsong. It is my expression of love for you - indulging your love for the written word and, if I'm charitable to myself (;)), myself - so you can always know, without a doubt, how much you mean to me.

This is my labour of love.

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