Tuesday, March 23, 2010

If I Could Choose

If I could choose
One thing about you
That I, and I alone,
Could have,
I'd choose your eyes -
Those windows to your soul
That light up when we talk,
That fill my world
When they're aflame.
Oh how I long
To stare into them endlessly!
I'd want your smile -
That cutesy half gurgly giggle
That tells me you're happy,
That I bring you joy,
That the stupid shit I say
And do,
Makes your heart lift.
I'd want your fingers
And the urgency in their tips
As you stroke my arm,
My face, my back,
My entire being,
Or run them through my hair.
I'd choose your voice -
That nuanced song
That's always, without fail,
Sung my heart into a trance -
A bringer of rhapsody,
A whirlwind that lifts me up,
Carries me to stranger parts
And brings me back,
Stronger, braver and whole.
I'd choose your mind -
The force that defines you,
Of which, the rest
Are but artifacts -
That electric consciousness
That plugs right into my own
Sending impulses roaring through my nerves
Tripping circuits everywhere.
I don't think, I can make a choice -
I'd always,
Choose you.


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